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Updatera/ impotera förekomster med avvikande utrustningslista från Excel

In this page, we will show you how to Update/Import occurrences with derived items lists from an excel file.

You can both import and update item in room into dRofus from Excel by going to dRofus->Import/update and choosing Import/update item in room.

This will open a window where you can choose an Excel file from your computer. The file must contain data to identify existing rooms and existing Item and data to create a new or update an existing occurrence.

You can choose to either just import item which does not already exist, only update existing item or both. When you only import new item, all occurrences which already exist are ignored. When you only update item, all occurrences which do not exist are ignored.

You have to select the way in which the rooms are to be identified, for example, by specifying their room data sheet number. You also have to select the way in which the Item are to be identified, for example, by specifying their Item number.

Once you have specified the Excel file, dRofus will automatically suggest the first row of data and check if the program recognizes the column name which matches the selected identification type for room and for Item. This is only intended as a suggestion and must be double checked with the Excel spreadsheet before running the import. You must also check that the correct worksheet has been specified. It does not matter which column the data is entered in. Only the columns specified for import will be read. Even if you have other information in the spreadsheet, it will not be read.

For derived rooms you can update/import items like you do it in an unique room.