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Importera och uppdater produkter

To update a product simply select the product and make the change, alternatively an excel file can be used to make changes to a product already in dRofus. If a product does not already exist in dRofus the alternative method for creating a product is using an excel file as well. 

Under the main dRofus menu select Import/Update.. and Import/update products to get started: (you will need to prepare an excel file before starting this process - Review Overview of Excel Exports to better understand how to prepare an excel file from dRofus that could be used in this process. 

Next, Choose file and browse to the excel file. It should include either Item Number, Item name or BIM ID and any other fields you want to include in the product. Only use Product ID if you are updating a product. dRofus will read the excel file and ask if the columns can be read to pre-populate the fields, pick yes to match the excel columns with the fields in the user interface.

Next, select either Import New or Update Existing. 

Next, determine which unique key will be used to identify the item the product is linked to. *Note: Products do not exist without an Item.