Old Reports Format

Old Reports Format

Paper size

The PDF Report paper size can be customized from the following options: A3, A4, Ledger, Letter, and Tabloid. 

Output format

A PDF Report can have several output formats. 

The reports can export as PDF, Batch PDF, XML, Flat XML and RTF (rich text format)

  • PDF Batch: Generate separate PDF files for each reoccurring element (e.g. separate pr room or Item). For more information on PDF Batch lease refer to this page Generating PDF Batch Reports

  • XML: Generates an xml file that contains the same data as the one used when generating the PDF report. This is useful if you are using a custom template and you want to alter it. You can then get an updated version of data from the database without having to first configure the built-in report the same way as the saved report is configured.

  • Flat XML: When the output format is changed to xml, the flat xml structure will generate a table of xml fields in a single structure.

  • RTF (experimental): Exports to Rich Text Format. Most word processors are able to read and write RTF.

Landscape orientation

PDF Reports can be predefined to output in landscape orientation by checking the 'Landscape Orientation' check box

Add frontpage

By checking Add frontpage check box, the PDF report will generate a cover page with the uploaded project logo to the report. 

Hide selection in report

When a report is generated and selections are made to filter the report down to e.g. rooms that are part of a specific department and group, the report will show the selection that was made. Select Hide selection in report to hide this part in the PDF report.







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