Solibri Configuration

Solibri Configuration

Key attributes used for comparing

Matching between Solibri and dRofus requires a pair of key attributes/properties on either side. The value of the Key attribute in the Solibri/IFC model will be matched with the value of the corresponding dRofus attribute in the database. The dRofus data of that room/occurrence will be displayed in the dRofus Property Panel.

All changes in configurations between dRofus and Solibri must be done by a user with admin access to dRofus

Room attribute Configuration

The Room attribute Configuration determines how dRofus rooms are linked with Spaces within Solibri. To customize the Room attribute Configuration open dRofus and navigate to Rooms → BIM → Solibri → Attribute Configurations:

Select Attribute Configurations and hit Edit:

The following dialog will then appear for Room <-> Solibri Room configuration:

The above dialog has three main areas:

  1. List all the available dRofus Attributes that you can use as the key attribute in dRofus.

  2. List of available IFC Parameters that you can use as key attributes. The set of properties is limited as dRofus can only display properties that Solibri exposes on their room objects. To choose from a full set of properties, please see Open IFC files in dRofus Desktop. After connecting to the IFC, you will see a full set of IFC properties when opening the Room Attribute Configuration.

  3. Display the current key attributes for the selected configuration

You can also set "Configuration properties":

  • Available to users: If this is checked all Users can see/use this configuration. If it is not checked, only those Users with Project Administrator Rights can view/use this configuration.

  • Is default configuration: If this is checked, it means that this configuration will be the default configuration for all users until users select another available configuration.

Creating a new configuration

Click either New or (to create a new configuration based on the currently selected configuration) Copy. Select the configuration within the "Choose Configuration" drop-down menu to delete an existing configuration, then click on "Delete". Select the configuration within the "Choose Configuration" drop-down menu to rename an existing configuration, then click on "Rename". Note that the " Default " configuration cannot be edited, deleted, or renamed, but you can create your version by selecting it and clicking "Copy".

To set a new Key Attribute for matching, select an Unlinked dRofus attribute and an Unlinked Solibri attribute, then click on Link ==.

Configuring Occurrences ↔︎ Component match

The dRofus Solibir extension uses IFC GUID as the built-in key attribute used for comparing. This means that if the user-selected object in Solibri is NOT a space, we try to find a dRofus occurrence in the database whose IFC GUID matches the IFC_GUID of the selected object in Solibri.

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