Item Data

Item Data

Access Item data:

  1. Select Items

  2. Double click on the Item or Select “Open Item” from the right-click menu

General: Displays the same data as in the Item Properties pane

Description: Add or view the Item description

Images and Documents: Add or view images and documents connected to the Item

Tabs with requirement can be added. Item / Occurrence View Filter is used to determined what requirement that is displayed. Bellow is an example showing more tabs with requirements:


The toolbars gives the following options:

  • Next/Previous buttons: Provides you with Item Data information for the next and previous Items in the group you currently have selected.

  • Copy Item Data From: Copies Item Data from a selected Item, to the Item in view

  • Copy Item Data to: Copies the current Item Data to a selected item 

  • Show log: Opens the log information panel for the selected Item

  • Overwritten values: Displays a list of all derived values in Items with Derived Item Data. A derived value is a value that has been overwritten from the Item Data value.

  • Print: Displays a selection of relevant PDF reports.