Bruger opsætning

Bruger opsætning

A number of features have been introduced in 1.6 that allow the database administrator to more easily manage user access and monitor usage.

Inactive Users

The section will display a list of the users that have not logged in dRofus recently. It is possible to set the time frame (6 months, 1 year, 2 years or never logged in) using the select control at the top of the list.

Kick Out Users

Now the list of currently logged in users, available from the Server Status section, has an additional button on the rightmost column, shaped like a red cross. By clicking that button, the administrator will be able to kick the associated user out of dRofus. This is useful in the case the administrator has to execute a special operation (moving or copying a database, for example) that requires that no users are logged in on any of the interested databases.