Konfigurera Excel-exporter

Konfigurera Excel-exporter

1.9 provides a new way of exporting data to Excel. The new exporter allows you to export data to separate Excel sheets and upload a multi sheet Excel and use it as a template. This opens the possibility to create more complex reports like COBie and Seps.

You can find the new Excel exporter from either;

  • Go to Reports and exports->Excel project exports and select "Create excel export" in the lower right side of the window

  • (For administration users) Select Administration->Configure excel export

In this window you can build a new Excel export. If there already exist exports, you will see them in the list. To create a new export select Excel exports->New. Give the export a name and hit 'Save'.

Next step is to create a sheet in you Excel export. Select Sheet->New and give your sheet a name and specify which column and row you want to start exporting data to.At this point we will not actually export any data if we hit Excel exports->Export to Excel. To add data to our sheet we need to add a data source from dRofus. Add data source from Data sources->New data source;

First select "Target type" - to define what data you want to export (Room, Item, Occurrence, Product etc.). You can also give the data source a name. After you have specified data source you can add fields you want to have as columns in your Excel export. Select "Add" and navigate the groups of data fields in the dialogue that appears. Include fields by double click on them to move them from the left list to the right, or use the arrow icons in the middle separation bar. You can re-arrange the order of the fields by using the Up/Down buttons. The Excel Export will be sorted by the first field that is positioned at the top, followed by the second field, and then the third field. Click 'Ok' when done.

If you want to add columns with a fixed, predefined text, you can select the option "Add fixed value" and specify a text/value in the text field on the right side of the window;

In the Configure excel export you can also concatenate two or more fields from dRofus into one cell in the Excel export. Lets say I rather want 'Room number' and 'Room name' in one column rather that two. To achieve this we must use "Add complex value". Select the fields you want to concatenate like you would for adding fields and click 'Ok'. Then you need to specify the order of the fields and insert an optional separator between the fields in the 'Format template';

In the example above I have chosen to display the 'Room number' first (written like {0}) and then 'Room name' (written like {1}), with a comma and space as separators. In the 'E.g' field you will see a preview of how your field will be exported to Excel. Remember to 'Save' your work from time to time. To export the to Excel select the export name and select Excel exports->Export to Excel.

All exports created in the Configure excel exports will also be available under 'Project Excel exports" in Reports and exports.


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