Finishes List
The finishes form allows you to link project information to a room, in shape of items that are inserted to a specialized Item list.
As with other Item lists, the room is either linked to a unique Item list or a template template Item list. A room may have the following finishes status:
Not created: The room do not have a finishes list.
Unique: The room has unique finishes list which only apply to this room.
From Room Template: The room has finishes from a room template and changes to the template are therefore reflected in the room and all other rooms connected to the same room template
From Template: The room has finishes from a finishes template and changes to the template are therefore reflected in the room and all other rooms connected to the same finishes template
Derived: The room has finishes from a room template or finishes template, but has some finishes items which do not concur with the template. In a derived finishes list you can add, remove and edit data on the finishes.
Copied Finishes: The room has a unique finishes list, but this has been in principal copied from a room template or a template.