Versions Compared


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  1. Navigation panel. When IFC is connected, you will see an additional tab called ‘IFC,’ which contains the IFC model's IFC classes. You can choose to navigate Items based on Item groups, Item classifications, item statuses or IFC classes.

  2. The BIM tab in the ribbon menu with available options for Items when connected to IFC.

  3. List of Items. Linked Items will have a match-icon in the Match column.

  4. Occurrence Match. Shows a comparison of Occurrences in dRofus and the model.

  5. Properties for IFC object. Displays all properties (object properties and property sets) related to the IFC object marked in list of Items. If you chose to navigate based on Item groups or classifications only Items that are matched will have data in the Properties for IFC object panel.


  • Synchronize with model: Synchronizes the selected item with the linked IFC object.


Ribbon menu options



  • Synchronize with model: See Import and synchronize Occurrences

  • Import IFC: Imports systems and components from IFC. For more information on IFC import see 

  • System match: Shows which systems are linked to systems in the IFC


Sidebar menu

When connected to an IFC source. .

Under each Item group, all Items will appear as usual in this group. An icon indicates if the Item is in the model or not:


When no icon is displayed, this indicates that the Item is not in the model or that it is not marked To be modeled.


The Item is in the model and is linked to the Item in dRofus.

In the list of panels you will also see some additional options when connected to an IFC model;


file two additional panels will appear in the right side menu


  1. Properties for IFC object: Shows/hide IFC påroperties

  2. Occurrence match: Shows a comparison of occurrences in dRofus and in the IFC model.



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Occurrence properly matched with IFC object.


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Quantity of occurrences match the quantity in the IFCSpace og the linked type.


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There are deviations in quantities between the planned occurrences and quantiy of objects in the IFCSpace for the linked item.


The row is colored in green

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Occurrence matched but quantity doesn’t match. The row is colored in yellow

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Occurrence is not matched. Either exist only in dRofus or only in the IFC model. The row is colored in red.