Part 4: Occurrence of Item
Part 4: Occurrence of Item
Create Item before adding occurrence of an Item. Read more Part 2: Add Items, Sub Items and Child Items
Display Occurrences:
Step 1: Item Occurrences data
Occurrence Composite Text Attributes
Occurrence Calculated Attributes
Step 2: Create and update Occurrence of Item
Item Occurrences can be created manually or imported from model
Link and Synchronize Item Occurrence / Family Type Instance
Add Occurrence of Item to Room
If the Item Occurrence is attached to a Room within the model, it will be added to the Room within dRofus when you import and synchronize dRofus and model. Items Occurrences that are not connected to a room, can be added manually. Read more:
Create and add Item Occurrence to a Room
Unlock, split and delete Item Occurrences
Step 3: Attach Image and documents to an Item Occurrence
Documents and Images can be imported from modell or from both the dRofus desktop application and dRofus WEB