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Copy Room Data

Room Data can be copied to Rooms or Templates for Rooms so that information defined once can be re-used in another Room or Template.

There are four different methods for copying Room Data:

Templates For Rooms

In the Templates for Rooms module there are two methods for copying Room Data.

First select a Templates or several Templates from the list of Templates for Rooms, then select one of the two options provided in the drop-down.


  1. Copy Room Data from Template allows you to copy Room Data from a Template that already exists in the Templates for Rooms. Once selected, a list of Templates will show. Select the Template to copy from and a message will ask to confirm the requested method followed by a confirmation that the data was copied. 

  2. Copy Room Data from Room allows you to copy Room Data from a Room in the Rooms module. This room data might have been applied as Unique, Derived or from another Template. Once selected, a list of Rooms with a Room Data status will show. Select the Room to copy from and a message will ask to confirm the requested method followed by a confirmation that the data was copied. 


In the Rooms module there are two methods for copying Room Data. First select a room or several rooms from the list or rooms in the rooms module, then select one of the two options provided in the drop-down.


  1. Copy Room Data from Room allows the ability to match the Room Data Status and copy the values from another rooms Room Data. Once selected, a list of Rooms with a Room Data status will show. Select the Room to copy from and a message will ask to confirm the requested option. The Room Data Status will update to reflect the new Status. 

  2. Copies parts of Room Data from Room allows the ability to specify which portions of the Room Data should be copied from another Room's Room Data. Once selected, the Room Data structure will show on the left. Specify the parts of the Room Data by double clicking adding them to the right and select OK to confirm. A list of rooms with a Room Data status will show. Select the Room to copy the parts from and a message will ask to confirm the requested method. Copy parts is not allowed if the Room Data status has been set to "From Template".Â