XML Dynamic GUI - RDS and Item Spec

XML Dynamic GUI - RDS and Item Spec

The dynamic GUI is exported as a tree with one or more flags that has groups that has elements that has fields. It has the same structure as when you edit it in the dynamic GUI editor.
The image below explains how it is exported:

Image 4: Dynamic GUI XML
The XML has the structure:

<flag flag-no='X'…>
    <group group-no='X'…>
        <element group-element-no='10…>
            <field …/>

<flag flag-no='X'…>
    <group group-no='X'…>
        <element group-element-no='10…>
            <field …/>

Please note that the XML is not ordered in the same order as you see it in the client, but the position attribute has this information and you should use this to order the data in your reports.
Each element has a @label that defines the label of the element. For fields it also has an attribute @show-label. If this is 1 the label is shown before the value in the GUI, if it is 2 the label is shown after the field.
Field has the attribute @data-type which tells if the field is a logic (checkbox), numeric, option (combobox/radiobox), date, html (formatted text) or text. Each field also has a
@value which contains the language specific and human readable value.
If field has @data-type = logic the @value will contain a language dependent Yes/No value. It also has a attribute @db-value which is independent of value and will be either true or false.
If field has @data-type = html (formatted text) the @value will contain the text value as "normal" unformatted text. In addition it will have a child element html-data that contains the html data.
See the sample building block dynamic-gui-bb.xfc for example usage.

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