すべての例は、curl ユーティリティを使って作成されています。
システムは、BASIC AUTH認証を使用しています。ログインには管理者ユーザが必要で、通常のWEBアクセスと同じユーザ名
これは通常のREST APIとは別のAPIで、ベースURLはアクセスしようとしている管理システム
(つまり、https://adm-us.drofus.com/) と同じでなければなりません。
例えば、http://[admin-url]/projects というリンクは、通常のHTMLのプロジェクト一覧を表示し、
http://[admin-url]/projects .json は、JSONフォーマットでプロジェクトとプロジェクトユーザーを表示します。
一部のリソース (特にユーザー) はリソース名にドット(.)を含むため、.jsonを使用できません。
代わりに、ヘッダーに “Accept: application/json” を送るようにしてください。
(これはすべてのタイプのクライアント (例:postmanなど) に当てはまります)
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -s -u testadmin:testpw http://[admin-url]/users/hakonhc
curl -s -u testadmin:testpw http://[admin-url]/users/hakonhc.json
Resource | Description |
/projects | プロジェクトのリストと操作 |
/owners | プロジェクト所有者のリスト |
/users | サーバー上のユーザーの一覧と操作 |
/database | データベースの一覧表示と操作 |
/project_users | プロジェクトのユーザー一覧と操作 |
リソース | メソッド | 説明 |
/node/logins | GET | Get login statistics for projects for the last 5 years, grouped by type of client used(Revit, dRofus etc.) |
/node/logins?from_date=2018-01-01&to_date=2019-12-31 | GET | Get login statistics for projects for the given time period, grouped by type of client used(Revit, dRofus etc.) |
/node/unique_users | GET | Gets number of unique users for each project for the last 5 years |
/node/unique_users?from_date=2018-01-01&to_date=2019-12-31 | GEt | Gets number of unique users for each project for the given period. |
/project_data?from_date=2018-01-01&to_date=2019-12-31 | GEt | Get statstics values on projects, to_date and from_date are optional limits on date |
/password/request_reset | GET | A post request with a valid username will trigger a password reset email |
/password/reset | GET | Use this with a token to change password with the API |
/owners/[id]/tasks/[TaskName]/run?source=[sourcedb]©_ids=[ids] | POST | Run a given task against all databases for a given owner. TaskName is one of the following
GET Resources: Listings
Resource | Description | Parameters |
/projects | List all projects | ?query=xx will list all projects contaning xx in the name ?show_all=1 to also include inactive projects |
/projects/1 | List project with id 1 | |
/owners | List all owners | |
/owners/1 | List owner with id 1 | |
/users | List of all users | ?query=xx to search |
/users/username | List user with username | |
/database | List databases | |
/project_users/username,projectid | Show project user |
$ curl -s -u testadmin:testpw http://[admin-url]/projects.json?query=template|json_reformat [ { "project": { "active": true, "contact": null, "created_at": "2016-11-01T09:39:14Z", "created_by": null, "database_id": "akl-test", "description": null, "gross_area": null, "id": 399, "name": "dRofus dev template", "no": "01", "owner_id": 5, "status": null, "updated": null, "updated_by": null, "unit_type": "SM" #SM for square meters or SF for square feet } }, .....
POST Resources: Creating objects
This creates an owner with the name "Test" and from the return we can see that it has been assigned with ID 11
$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -u testadmin:testpw -d '{"owner":{"name":"Test"}}' http://[admin-url]/owners {"owner":{"address":null,"billing_address":null,"contact":null,"id":11,"image":null,"name":"Test","network":null,"note":null,"tech_contact":null}}
Creating a new project ( POST /projects)
Creating a new project requires some special parameters. This would the minimal data to provide when creating a new project
Parameter | Descriptione |
new_db | 1 to create a new database or 0 to add project to an existing database |
new_db_template | If creating a new database, provide the database name that would be used as a template |
new_db_name | If creating a new database, provide the name of the new database |
existing_db_name | If NOT creating a new database (new_db set to 0) provide the name of the existing database to add the new project to |
name | Name of the project |
constructor | Name of the constructor/firm of the new project |
description | Description of the project |
owner_id | ID of the owner |
project_type_id | Type of project. Use one of the following values id │ name |
All the parameters are mandatory
{ "project": { "new_db": "1", "new_db_template": "dev-template", "new_db_name": "rest_test", "project_type_id": 1, "name": "REST TEST", "owner_id": 5, "description": "TEST CREATE FROM REST", "constructor" : "dRofus AS" } }
Creating a new project user (POST /project_users)
$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -X POST -u testadmin:testpw -d @data.json http://[admin-url]/project_users {"project_user":{"created_at":"2016-11-28T12:22:35Z","project_id":408,"role":null,"superuser":null,"user_role_id":null,"username":"hakonhc"}}
Where data.json contains
{ "project_user": { "project_id": 408,"room_rights":1 }, "user": {"username": "hakonhc", "first_name":"Håkon","last_name":"Clausen","email":"hhc@drofus.com"}, "mail_type": "6" }
Parameter | Descriptione |
project_user | project_id: ID of the project to add to room_rights: room permission level equipment_rights tender_rights consignation_rights system_rights modelstore_rights superuser. Project administrator addon_admin: BIM admin no_web_admin_access: if user is superuser, this denies the access to the web admin hide_price: true or false should the user see prices |
user | username: Username of the user to add first_name: First name of the user to add last_name: Last name of the user to add email: Email of the user to add If the user exists, make sure that the information given is equal to the information registred on the server |
mail_type | ID of the email to send to the user (from /emails), "skip_email" means no email will be sent. |
GET Resources: Object manipulation and more
Resource | |
/database/[dbname]/disableall | Disables all project users in database with name dbname |
/database/[dbname]/enableall | Enables all project users in database with name dbname |
/database/[dbname]/kickall | Logs out all users in database with name dbname |
/database/[dbname]/get_backup_now | Downloads a backup of the database |
Resource | |
/users/[username]/disable | Disables a users so he can not log into any project |
/users/[username]/enable | Enables a user |
/users/[username]/kick | Logs out all users in database xxx |
POST Resources: Toggles and other changes
Resource | |
/users/[username]/toggle_otp | Toggles whether the user has to login using Multi Factor Authentication |
/users/[username]/toggle_force_weblogin | Toggles whether the user has to login using Modern Login/SSO |
/users/[username]/toggle_local_authentication | Toggles whether the user can use local or have to use external authentication (Entra) |
/users/[username]/toggle_enable | Toggles enabling and disabling of the user |
/users/[username]/merge?to=[to_username] | Merge user into another user |
PUT/PATCH Resources: Updates
Resource | |
/projects/[id] | Update project |
/project_users/username,projectid | Update project user |
Example 1: Update project
$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -X PATCH -u testadmin:testpw -d @data.json http://[admin-url]/projects/1
Wherer data.json contains
{ "project": { "name": "REST TEST", "description": "TEST UPDATE FROM REST", "active":true } }
Example 2: Update project user
$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -X PATCH -u testadmin:testpw -d @data.json http://[admin-url]/project_user/testuser,1
Wherer data.json contains
{ "project_user":{ "username":"test", "project_id":647, "room_rights":1, "equipment_rights":3, "tender_rights":4, "room_surface_treatment_rights":4 } }
DELETE Resources
You also use the DELETE operation to delete most object.
This example will delete a user in a project
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -s -u http://[admin-url]/project_users/[username],[project_id] -X DELETE
Resetting Password
Posting a json request to "/password/request_reset" with this body and a correct username will start the reset password process. The user will get a password reset request on email with a token:
// Post to {server}/password/request_reset { "username": "user" }
To actually change the password use the following json with the token from the email:
// Post to {server}/password/reset { "token": "5f2pi2zW7wO3nodwWznmDQ", "password": "pass", "password_confirm": "pass" }
Project statistics
Resource | Comment |
/project_data | Gives project statistics over time |
/project_data/latest | Gives you the latest project statistics for each project |
from_date=[date] | Only for /project_data, gives you only data where time is greater than the given date |
field=[field] | Only for specific field |
owner=[owner_id] | Only for specific owner id |
Example output
{ "field": "sum_programmed_area", "project_id": 1262, "time": "2019-12-16T10:56:46.848+01:00", "value": "1233.0" }, { "field": "sum_designed_area", "project_id": 1262, "time": "2019-12-16T10:56:46.848+01:00", "value": "1176.0" },