そのためには、ArchiCADオブジェクトをdRofusアイテムにリンクする必要があります。 (参照 ArchiCADオブジェクトをdRofusのアイテムにリンク.)
また、ArchiCADのゾーン(オブジェクトが配置されている)とdRofusの部屋(アイテムが計画されている)をリンクする必要があります。 (参照 ArchiCADゾーンをリンク.)
A more detailed overview of the Objects in Zones vs Items in Room can be viewed within the Link status dialog, which can be accessed by clicking on the ゾーンステータスのリンクされたArchiCADオブジェクト.)
button. (Refer toIn addition to synchronizing the data, the above dialog can also assist in reconciling the count of placed Objects in Zones vs. planned Items in Rooms by creating, deleting and updating occurrences in dRofus. This is enabled by checking the box next to Create/Delete/Update occurrences in dRofus. An Item Occurrence (with quantity that is greater than 1) planned in dRofus can be split into multiple Occurrences where it matches multiple Objects placed in ArchiCAD. This may be required where the values differ between occurrences of the same Item.
また、モデルへの一方通行 (dRofus 内でデータを変更しない) のみでデータを同期することも可能です。 これは、dRofusで計画されたオカレンスのインスタンスデータを更新の横のボックスのチェックを外すことで無効にすることができます。
"オプション..." をクリックすると、以下のダイアログが開きます。
- サブアイテムの非表示: Allows you to choose whether or not to show Sub-Items within the list.
- "モデル化予定()"のマークがないアイテムを非表示: Allows you to choose whether or not to show Items that are not marked 'To be modeled' within dRofus.
- 部屋構成の使用: Shows the active Room Configuration. You can swap to another configuration by first clicking on the active configuration and then selecting another preferred configuration.
- アイテム構成の使用: Shows the active Item Type Configuration. You can swap to another configuration by first clicking on the active configuration and then selecting another preferred configuration.
- インスタンス構成の使用: Shows the active Item Occurrence Configuration. You can swap to another configuration by first clicking on the active configuration and then selecting another preferred configuration.
- 明確にリンクされていないインスタンスを同期: Allows you to synchronizing Objects and Occurrences that are not linked to each other, but matches based on the type, parameters and planned quantity.
- 不明瞭さが一致したインスタンスを同期: exists because there can be a situation when a room contains multiple occurrences of the same type and it is not clear what object should be synchronized to what occurrence. We call these occurrences and objects as "matched with ambiguity". By default they are not synchronized. But if you turn the 4th option on, these objects will be matched to occurrences randomly and will be synchronized. It may be useful when you synchronize the model for the first time and there are no differences between occurrences of the same type. You should still use this option carefully, because it can interfere with the relationships between planned and designed data.
- アイテム責任フィルタ: Allows you to choose which dRofus Item Responsibility to include within the Items in Room list.