Add, copy or delete Sub Items

Add, copy or delete Sub Items

Create Sub Items:

  1. Select Item

  2. Select “Add Sub Items” within the Ribbon menu or in the right-click menu. Window will appear:

3. Select Item(s): Navigate or search for the Item you would add as a Sub Item. Double click on the Item or use the narrow [>] to add the Item.

4. Select Ok


The selected Items in step 3 are now added as a Sub Item to the Item selected in step 1.


Copy Sub Items for another Item

  1. Select Item

  2. Select “Copy From” within the ribbon menu

Window will appear.


3. Select the Item you would like to copy the Sub-Items from.

4. Select “ok”

The Sub Items to the Item selected in step 3 is now copied to Item selected in step 1.

Delete Sub Items

  1. Open the Sub-Items panel Display Sub Items

  2. Select Item

  3. Select Sub Items within the Sub-Items panel

  4. Select “Delete Sub Items” within the ribbon menu

The Item is no deleted as Sub-Item to the selected Item but not deleted from the database


Swap Sub Items.

If the Sub Items are a Parent or Child Item it can be swapped. Read more Parent Child Items