FF-E In Room Occurrence
Filename: | ffe-in-room.xfc |
Level | Medium |
XML context: | room |
This building block shows an FF&E list for room. It could be used in a separate report or in combination with for instance RDS.
It contains a repeating table over room/occurrence-list/occurrence to list all occurrences in room. To get to the FF&E item information we use a key/index since the occurrence is only a reference to articles in drofus-xml/article-container. We use this in the global xslt:
<xsl:key match="article" name="article-index" use="@id"/> |
To get e.g. the FF&E number we do like this
key('article-index',article/@ref)/core/@article_func_no |
It includes sub FF&E it they exists. They are italic and the number is indented and this is done by doing some conditional formatting on the table-row and the block around the FF&E number.