

If you use dRofus to plan finishes (as described in the dRofus user guide chapter 14) you can link and synchronize your planed finishes items with the room object in Revit or link finishes to Revit materials.

Link and synchronize finishes as room parameters

In dRofus, the finishes you plan will be directly attached to the rooms in the database. Once you have done the planning you can synchronize the finishes list to a room parameter in Revit for information and tagging of rooms.

To make this happen you need to adjust the room attribute configuration to sybk the correct equipment list into the Revit room objects. In the plug-in menu go to Attribute configurations and hit "Edit" on the Room <-> Room configuration.

In the section for dRofus attribute scroll down to the group Items lists. Here you can see all items lists created in dRofus including the finishes lists. The finishes lists are divided into the categories that are created in dRofus and you can synchronize each category to separate room parameters in the Revit room object;

For each category there are predefined options for synchronizing finishes with a) Item name b) Item name and BIM ID or c) Item number and name.

When synchronizing the rooms using the modified room configuration you should see that the finishes data will be synchronized from dRofus to the Revit room object;

Note that if there are more than one finish item for one category they will be synchronized to the same parameter in Revit comma separated.

Link and synchronize finishes and Revit Materials

Linking an finishes item to materials works the same way as for other items explained in Linking Revit Family Types to Items. You can apply both filters on category or responsibility groups to make the linking process easier.

Before synchronizing with dRofus you can create an item attribute configuration for materials to control what data you want to synchronize between dRofus and Revit. Go to Attribute configurations and select the small + icon to the right of the configurations dropdown;

This option allows you to create specified configurations for the different Revit categories. Find the "Material" category and press 'Ok'.

Below you can see an example of a material configuration. This configuration suggests a workflow where identity data are managed in dRofus and pushed to Revit while areas of the material are pushed from Revit to dRofus. However, the attribute configuration supports bi-directional synk so projects are free to set up a workflow where data are managed in Revit and synced to dRofus;

Example of workflow for Revit Materials and finishes

Let's say we want dRofus to manage the data of the Materials. We can start to input some data in dRofus for a given material. In this case a paint material;

Click "New item" for creating a new finishes item in the Items overview and hit 'Ok'. Next we fill in some specification on the item in dRofus;

Next we need to link our new finish item to a Revit material using the Items <-> Families option in the plug-in menu. In the image below we have searched for the correct dRofus item and the correct Revit material,

Once the material is linked you can select it and press the "Sync" option. Make sure the correct configuration is used. After sync you should be able to see the synchronized values on the "Identity" tab in your Material browser;

If I apply the Blue paint using the paint tool in Revit and insert a material tag to identify type of paint you can see that we have transferred the PT-08 value from dRofusInto the materialand into the material tag;

After applying the paint in the Revit model we can synchronize again and update dRofus with the designed areas and volumes as stated in our material configuration;

In this case you can further use dRofus for scheduling and area/volume calculations of the Materials.

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