It is possible to edit and bulk update Item Number values to suit requirements. 

Edit serial number manually

To change the numeric value of an Item Number:

  1. Select Change Serial from the dRofus Ribbon Menu and a window will appear:

2. Enter the new value, that is not already in use within the Item Group

Consolidating Item Numbers

When several Items have been deleted from the Project it can leave a gap in the Item numbering sequences.

To consolidate and order the numbering on the Items remaining:

  1. Select the Item Group

  2. Right click

  3. Select  “Renumber”. Only available from the lowest level of the relevant Item Group in the Item Group hierarchy:

The Item Numbers are regenerated to be sequential and without gaps:

Edit serial number: Excel import

How to fil gaps in the serialnumber.

  1. Number: Find out which numbers you want to use.

2. Make Excel-fil: Create or Export out exel-fil that contains:

A: Item ID

B and C: Item Group number and Sub Group number. You need to export out all levels. In this example we use 2 level.

D : Serial Number

E: Item Name

3. Update serial number in the Excel-fil

4. Import Excelfil:

Updating already existing Items with new number you need to fill out:

Creating new Item you need to fill out:

4. Click “Import”

5. Click “Ok”

6. Serial number updated: You will see that the gap is filled