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Product Details PDF Report

This report provides all content for Products. The report includes Product Data, Occurrences. Images and Documents can also be included.



Filter and Order

We provide nine filters by default, Number, Name, Model, Make, Responsibility, Supplier: Name, Manufacturer: Name, Item: Name, Item: Item Number. If more filters are needed, select Add more filters.
The order of the products is by default set to Number.

Report Content

We provide four content sections in this report. Product Data and Occurrences are turned on by default as the primary sources for this report. If the project has several item lists, all are active by default.

Edit Product Data

Product Data, by default, has no filters for flags or view filters. By default, show all data fields regardless if they have data and will include fixed text. These choices can be modified by selecting Edit next to this content section.

Edit Product Data

Any view filters defined by the project admin can be used for reporting purposes and can be selected from the drop-down menu.

To ensure only populated data shown in the report, check the box next to Only fields with data.

Edit Occurrences

Occurrences, by default, show five columns with the following column widths: Room Function Number (20%), Room Number (20%), Room Name (*), Gross (10%), Net (10%) and Net price (15%) that can be adjusted to include any occurrence fields. The asterisk * denotes no width defined and is what is left over, making up 100% after using the columns defined with a width. To edit the columns select Edit next to this content section.


Filter Occurrences

No filters are applied by default, but any occurrence fields may filter the occurrences. The order may also be defined with any occurrence field. Select Filter next to this content section to edit the filter and order.

Select the Show more button in the Report Content section to see additional content.

More options

See Report Filters and Order, Report Content, and More Options for additional features are generally available across all reports. 

Report Output