As an Engineer you can create and / or update Spaces within your model to correspond with the Rooms in the Architectural (linked) model. Revit Spaces gives you the opportunity to see and validate Item occurrences, and Family Types Spaces using either:
"Items in Room"
"Items in level/model (spaces)" Panel.
Create / Update Spaces based on Rooms in the Architectural (linked) model:
Select "Linked model Rooms - > Spaces" from the dRofus Add-On ribbon:
This window will appear
2. Room boundling: By default all linked models that are set as Room Bounding will be selected Using linked model that is not room bounding, will be set as Room Bounding when you copy them.
3. Attribute configuration: Look at the attribute configuration to verify that the correct data is being copied and used to comparing.
a) The attributes “Number” and “Room Name” will be copied by default
b. Room Configuration; The Linked attribute "Key Attribute used for comparing" will be used to find Rooms in the Architect model linked to Rooms in dRofus
c. Space Configuration:
The Linked attribute "Key Attribute used for comparing" will be used to populate the necessary values to establish and maintain a link between Spaces in the MEP model and Rooms in dRofus:
Used to push and pull values of the other linked Attributes / Parameters. In this example will “Note” and “Room Function#” be writen to the model. “Note” and Room Function” are also listed in the section "Attribute values to be copied from Rooms to Spaces" as follows:
4. Primary design option: Check the box “only primary design option” If you would like to restrict creation of Spaces by copying only Rooms that are in the primary design
5. Click on "OK" to create the Spaces.
6. Meessage will appear, summarizing the total number of Spaces:
That were not created/ updated, due to the chosen key parameter within Rooms in the linked model being either not unique or empty
Below you can see an example:
And the values have been brought in to a new / updated Space within the host model as follows:
Also note that during the above command, the "Number" and "Name" parameters within the host model's Spaces will always get values copied across from these parameters within the linked model's Rooms (even though these may not be mapped to be brought in from dRofus Rooms within the active Room configuration):
Often Rooms will change within the Architectural (linked) model - i.e. Rooms can be added, deleted, moved, changed in shape and size etc. Once the updated Architectural (linked) model has been re-issued and re-loaded as a link to the Services (host) model, the Services Consultant will again need to carry out the above process in order for the Revit Add-On to transfer all of the updates to the changed Spaces.
If there are any Spaces in the Services (host) model for which there are no longer any corresponding Rooms in the Architectural (linked) model - the next time the Architectural (linked) model is reloaded within the Services (host) model and when carrying out the above command to update Rooms within the host model, the Add-On will ask if you'd like to "Delete Superfluous Spaces".
Level Names Mismatch
If the host and linked Level names do not match when creating / updating Spaces in the host model, you will get the following message:
You will need to ensure that the Level names are consistent between the models.
Creating / Updating Spaces Based on Spaces within Linked Models
It is also possible to create or update Spaces within a host model based on Spaces within a linked model. It is possible that on certain projects Revit is only being used by the Services Consultants.
As an example, the Electrical Consultant is the lead consultant in a project and is responsibile for driving / maintaining Spaces, then once the Electrical Consultant issues their model to the other Services Consultants (such as Mechanical / Hydraulic / Fire etc.) then the Electrical model will be linked in to these other Services (host) models so that these other Services Consultants can then refer to the Space extents as defined by the Electrical (linked) model) to place their Family Instances / Systems accordingly. If the Spaces in the Electrical (linked) model have already been linked to Rooms in dRofus by the Electrical Consultant, then these other Services Consultants can conveniently create and / or update their Spaces within their Services (host) models based on the Spaces in the Electrical (linked) model. Furthermore, if there is information in regards to (planned) services Item occurrences for these Rooms in dRofus, and the Family Types in these other Services (host) models have already been linked to Items in dRofus by these other Services Consultants, the Services Consultants can then easily view as well as validate the Family Instances within their Revit Spaces against the (planned) occurrences of Items in the dRofus Rooms using either the "Items in room" or "Items in level/model (spaces)" window.
To create / update Spaces in the Services (host) model (based on Spaces in another Services (linked) model), select "Linked model spaces - > spaces":