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Before you can add Classification the database, it needs to be setupset up. Read more: Add Classification to the database


  1. Select the “Item” Tab to display option from the “Item module” in the “Systems module”

  2. Select the Item symbol in the panel to displayed the Item List

  3. Click on Select the Item Groups in the Navigation pane to displayed the Item groups.


1.Select an Item or multiple select several Items.

Classification can be assigned to the Item group, so you don't have to do it individually for each itemYou can assign a classification to an Item Group, which will then apply to all items within the group. This makes it easier to quickly assign a classification to multiple items, as it only needs to be done once for the group, rather than having to assign it to each item individually. This can be done in the properties pane to the Item Group

2. Go Navigate to the Classification in the property pane

3 .Select [•••] to display all possible classifications.  If you have selected more then one Item, you need to activate by must tick the checkbox that will appearappears in order to activate them.

4. Set the Classification.


When you add assign a number giving System Classification to an Item, all associated Occurrences will be automatically be added as System Component Components in the System module.