Versions Compared


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In order to link Family Types to Items in dRofus, click on "Items <-> Families":


Attribute Configuration


The following window will appear:


Part 1: Set up the Attribute Configuration

The Attribute Configuration has to be set up and activated, before linking and synchronizing Family Types and dRofus Items . The name of the active Configuration is displayed:


[++] indicate that the synchronizing also will run a Sub-Configuration.


Read more about Revit Attribute Configurations (AC)

Part 2: Link dRofus Items and Revit family types

List of dRofus Items and Revit Family types


  1. Unlinked Items from dRofus: List of all Items in dRofus that are not linked to any Revit Family type

  2. Unlinked Family Symbols from Revit: List over all Family types that are not linked to any dRofus Items.

  3. Linked Items: Shows a list over all dRofus Items that are linked to a Revit Family type

  4. Filter: You can filter the list over unlinked Family types and Linked items, by using selecting categories and tick the box “Only element types in use”

    Image Removed
  5. Linked Items: Shows a list over all dRofus Items that are linked to a Revit Family type


Add/ remove columns

You Columns can add and remove columns in be added and removed using the Right click menu


Right-click options: Right-click anywhere within the “Unlinked Items from dRofus” panels, or the “Linked Items” panel to either

  • Add/remove columns

  • Export the list to Excel

  • Refresh the list.

Linking options:


  1. Link Family Type with an Item in dRofus

  2. Create dRofus Items and Link Revit Family type


  4. Importing Revit family from dRofus Item

Part 3: Synchronize


Family Type and Occurrence


Sync: Synchronize the selected Family Type / Item and Occurrence/instance, using the configuration that is activated.

Sync all: Sync all linked Family Types / Items using the configuration that is activated.

Read more Import and update Item Occurrence to selected Linked Items

Child pages (Children Display)