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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In this menu, you can define separators and lengths for your itemsImage Removed


  • Start for Item

    running Number

    serial numberSpecifies where to look for next available running number for items.

    Show Nkkn
  • Validate Serial Length: When checking the serial number of items will be limited to not exceed the defined length. Uncheck to allow serial numbers to go beyond the serial number limit.

  • Show NKKN in Items: Specifies whether data fields related to numbering system NKKN shall be displayed in dRofus.

  • Currency Decimal Digits: Specifies the number of decimal places to show for currency values. The value should be either 0,1 or 2.

  • Default Owner: Default value for owner for new item in room.

  • Default Priority: Default value for priority for new item in room.

  • Enable NS3420 Item Page: Enables the NS3420 data fields in the item detail window.

  • Use change list (


    Items): The user will be forced to save changes to items to a change list.

  • Use change list (


    Items in


    Room): The user will be forced to save changes to items in room to a change list.

  • Use change list (

    occurrence data

    Occurrence Data): The user will be forced to save changes to occurrence data to a change list.

  • Child

    /parent item number separator

    Item serial number length: Defines how many digits the serial number of the child item should have in the item number.

  • Child/Parent Item Number SeparatorDefines which separator to use between the parent and child in the item number. If you use: (colon) as a separator, the item number would look like this: 01.001:1.

  • Item level depth: Max depth of  levels to the function no. (e.g. if there are three levels but the number value is two we only use the first two as part of the function no. Run number is then independent of level 2.).

  • Item levels separator: 

    Item Level and Item Number Separator: Separator used between the Item


    Group Level Number and the Item

    run number



  • Item


    Levels separator: Separator used between

    the different levels

    different Item Group Levels.

  • Item level separator array: Advanced setting for level separator where you can specify the separator for each level, splitting them using '^'. E.g. 'x^^'. would lead to: 'AxBC.D' (x acts as a separator between level A and B, and no separator between B and C. '.' as separator between C and D

  • Item number postfix: If a value is entered, the value will appear at the end of the Item Number

  • Item


    serial number length: How many digits to use in the number.

  • Item list template prefix: Prefix used in front of the number.

  • Item list template number length: How many digits to use for the number in the item list template.

  • Item list template separator: Separator used between prefix and number.

    Number all the occurrences:


    Numbers all of the occurrences.