Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


We provide six filters by default, Room Function, Room Function Number, Room Number, User Room Number, Room Name, Has Room Data. If the project uses room groups or statuses, the first room group or status is also listed as a filter. If more filters are needed, select Add more filters.
The order of the rooms is by default set to Room Function Number, but selecting the ellipses (three dots) in the order menu will allow any field to be used to define the order of the rooms.

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~612cd5da44c8ed006868ca74:Filter and Order~612cd5da44c8ed006868ca74:
Filter and Order

Report Content



次の列幅で6つの列を表示します: 部屋番号番号(15%), Room Number 、部屋番号(15%), Room Name 、部屋名(*), Room Data Status 、部屋データステータス(15%), Programmed 、プログラム済み(8%), and Designed (8%) which can be adjusted to include any room fields. The 、設計済み(8%)で、
どの部屋フィールドも含むように調整できます。The asterisk * denotes no width defined and is what is left over, making up 100% after using the columns defined with a width.

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Edit Table

In this report the programmed and designed areas are grouped with a header Group Area and Aggregation Sum is being used by default. このレポートでは、プログラム・エリアとデザイン・エリアはグループ・エリアというヘッダでグループ化され、デフォルトで集計合計が使用されています。



Report titles are defaulted to match the original name of the built-in report, but they can be overwritten. 
Report subtitles can be defined but are empty by default. 
The Paper size defaults to A4 but can be modified to A3, Ledger, Letter, and Tabloid. 
Page Orientation is defaulted to Landscape but can be modified to Portrait, but keep in mind that column widths may need to be adjusted. 
The report output format is defaulted to PDF. In older reports, there are other options (see Format)


See /wiki/spaces/~612cd5da44c8ed006868ca74/pages/3004895230 for additional features are generally available across all reports. 



レポート出力フォーマット(形式) のデフォルトは、PDFです。古いレポートでは、他のオプションがあります。(フォーマットを参照)


追加機能については、レポート・フィルタと順序、レポート内容、その他のオプション  を参照してください。

