When Model Name has been set for the model it’s works as a filter when you synchronize - ensuring you can only sync Rooms or Occurrences in dRofus that are either part of the model you synchronize with or Rooms and Occurrences in dRofus that do not have any Model Name set. In this scenario this filter prevent us from updating object ‘X' and ‘Y’ as they are still connected to 'Model A’ in dRofus.
Step 1. Select the occurrence that you would like to update.
Step 2. Select synchronizing
Step 3. Select tick the box “Move occurrences to this model”
This option is available when synchronizing occurrences from;
Items <-> Families
2. Sync Selected Instances
3. Sync current View
Step 4: Select “Ok”
dRofus will then omit the filter on Model Name and synchronizes all objects in the Revit model and updates the occurrences in dRofus , thus updating the with updated Model Name information in dRofus. This option is available when synchronizing occurrences from;
Items <-> Families
Sync Selected Instances
The result of this sync operation is that new model names are created in dRofus and the objects ‘X' and 'Y’ have assigned new Model Names;