There are four key steps to start working with your data in dRofus and Revit:
Set up the Attribute Configuration
Link Spaces to Rooms
Link Revit Familie Types to Items in dRofus
Synchronize Revit Instance with dRofus Occurrence
For those or you that are not using the Revit add-on, the same import of systems and components from IFC or Excel.
Step 1:
Set up the Attribute Configuration
Step 2: Revit Spaces
This step is not required but will give you more options.
Step 3: Link Revit Family Type with dRofus Items
Step 4: Synchronize Revit Instance with dRofus Occurrence
When you have access as a user to Systems in a database you can also use the functions for Systems in the dRofus Revit Plug-in.
Systems dialog will give you;
Overview of all unlinked Systems in dRofus
Overview of all unlinked Systsms in Revit
Possibility to link/unlink Systems,
Possibility to create Systems in dRofus based on Revit Systems.