Systems allows you to gain increased visibility in the planning, building and maintenance stages of a project. This is because a System in not a physical object, but an entity that connects two or more physical Components together such as Electrical, Heating, Plumbing, etc. This increased visibility into how these entities connect helps to reduce errors and anticipated potential complications before they happen. In short, the Systems Module enhances your team’s communication around projects while creating a record that can be utilized at all stages of the project.
This document will provide guidance about the quickest way to get started using Systems, explore some more in-depth options, and then review the potential next steps for you to work with the dRofus Customer Success team to enable Systems in your projects.
Why Systems?
Imagine that you walk into your local library. You have been to this library before, but now things are much different. Books are everywhere. There are stacks on some shelves, other books are in piles on the floor. These books are not in any specific order by topic, author name, or title.