Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The illustration below shows an a possible example of a finishes list Finishes List for a room.
Image RemovedImage Added

The toolbar has the following options:

  • Previous/Next buttons displays the finishes Lists for the next and previous room which has finishes Rooms at the same functional level you have selected in the room list.Save Save changes you have applied .
  • Show log button displays Finishes List changes made to the room.
  • Print - Generate a finishes report for this room.
  • Open Item: Open the specification of selected finish
  • Edit: Edit the quantity and comment of finish occurrence
  • Existing Items: allows you to create a record for an existing item or to place a pre-defined existing item to the list
  • Delete Delete : deletes the selected finishFinish
  • Note: Displays and allows for editing of a comment/note to this formUndo Delete: removes the selection for deletion for the Item. Please remember to do this before saving. If you save first, the delete function will be performed and you will not be able to undo.
  • Copy button allows you to copy finishes list Finishes List from or to another roomRoom. Note that tis this option will also copy the finishes status Finishes Status from / to the room you copy. E.Room being copied to e.g. if you have opened a room with unique finishes list Finishes List and copy finishes Finishes from a room Room connected to a room template Room Template – the status of the room Room will change from unique Unique to having finishes Finishes from the same room template.
  • Print - Generate a finishes report for this room.
  • Show log button displays changes made to the room.Room Template.
  • Split occurrence: If more than 1 item, split the Finish to multiple single occurrences.
  • Item Status List: to change the status of the Item List (Unique / Derived / From)
  • Move Occurence: move occurrence to another selected Room
  • Swap Item: Swap this Finish for another Finish Item selected from the Finishes List
  • Show Sub Items: to show the list of sub Item for the Item selected.
  • Save Save changes you have applied to the list

Add finishes

To add finishes to a room or a room template select the Add option  to the right of each category. This option will open the Items overview where you can pick the finishes Finishes you want to apply to the room. If the dRofus superuser have has added an Item group filter for the category Category (as explained in chapter 14.2) the list will be automatically filtered to the correct items group;

Image Removed

Image AddedThe filter will ease the process of finding the correct finishes to add. If you want would like a full overview of all available items in the overview – use the Select (F3) tab or search for items using the Search tab.

Image RemovedImage Added

You add finishes by moving them from the left list to the right. Either by double-clicking on the items on the left of using the arrow icons in the middle of the window. Click 'Ok' when done editing.

Image RemovedImage Added

Create view filters to control


which parameters


are visible for finishes

The project can use Items type filters to control what parameters that should be available when you open a finishes item. To learn how the project can set up view filters to different kind of items see Items type filterType Filter copy.


Revit Materials connection

For more information about on how you can link and synchronize finishes Finishes with Revit Materials please see view our Revit plugin guide Finishes.
